Richard Michelson Books: Fascinating
The Life of Leonard Nimoy
Written Richard Michelson and Illustrated by Edel Rodriguez
Publication Date: September 6th, 2016, the 50th anniversary of Star Trek
See Richard Michelson’s website here
Once there was a boy named Leonard who loved to sing and to act. His parents were immigrants who felt like aliens in America, and certainly didn’t understand Leonard’s drive to perform…
A moving biography of the late Leonard Nimoy, whose story exemplifies the American experience and the power of pursuing your dreams, by his close friend, gallerist, and the author of many acclaimed books for adults and children.
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Praise for Fascinating
“In Leonard’s profound absence – it is so lucky that his dear friend Richard Michelson has thought to bring us this richly illustrated account of his inspiring life. Together with Edel Rodriguez they beautifully capture some of the highlights of Leonard’s journey from immigrants’ son in Boston’s west end – to one of the most iconic and recognizable characters in the world.” – Zachary Quinto
“Leonard Nimoy became a legend. But, he remained a humble, compassionate, and poetic soul. A true artist. In FASCINATING, Richard Michelson captures Leonard’s story with tenderness and admiration. There will never be another man like my husband.” – Susan Bay Nimoy
“I’ll never get tired of hearing stories about my Dad’s childhood. Fascinating by Richard Michelson tells a wonderful and sweet story about the young Leonard growing up in Boston and his determination and passion to achieve his dream of becoming an actor in Hollywood. My Dad loved his family, his life and the arts… he will always be missed greatly.” – Julie Nimoy
“An inspirational tale of what can happen when a young man follows his bliss, his passion. And a heartwarming tribute to Dad’s incredible journey.” – Adam Nimoy
Leonard Nimoy discusses Richard Michelson in a PODWOM interview:
Order Other Books by Richard Michelson
(please note that Too Young for Yiddish comes with a CD recording of Mr. Nimoy reading the story)
See Leonard Nimoy’s Photography