Virginia Lee Burton: Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel Sets

Written and illustrated by Virginia Lee Burton

And Took All the Jobs Away Study | Mike Mulligan and Mary Anne Were Very Sad Study

Ink and Conte Crayon | Paper sizes: 8.75×11.25 in, and 7.5×11.25 in

And Took All the Jobs Away | Mike Mulligan and Mary Anne Were Very Sad Hand Colored Photostat (with Notes)

Hand Colored Photostat | Paper size: 8.5×23.75 in

Book page for reference

They Left the Canals Study | The Little Town of Popperville Study 

Ink and Conte Crayon | Paper sizes: 8.25×11 in, and 8.5×11 in

They Left the Canals | The Little Town of Popperville Hand Colored Photostat (with notes)

Hand Colored Photostat | Paper size: 9.25×23.5 in

Book pages for reference

Everyone Started Talking at Once Study | Now the Little Boy Study 

Ink and Conte Crayon | Paper sizes: 8.5×11 in, and 8.5×11.25 in

Everyone Started Talking at Once| Now the Little Boy Hand Colored Photostat (with notes)

Hand Colored Photostat | Paper size: 8.75×20 in

Book pages for reference

They Built the New Town Hall Study | Mrs. McGillicuddy Takes Him Nice Hot Apple Pies Study

Ink and Conte Crayon | Paper sizes: 8.5×11 in, and 8.5×11.25 in

They Built the New Town Hall| Mrs. McGillicuddy Takes Him Nice Hot Apple Pies Hand Colored Photostat (with notes)

Hand Colored Photostat | Paper size: 8.5×20 in

Book pages for reference

Cut Through the Mountains Study | The High Mountains Study

Ink and Conte Crayon | Paper sizes: 8.5×5.5 in, and 8.5×5.5 in

The High Mountains Hand Colored Photostat (with notes)

Hand Colored Photostat | Paper size: 9×12.5 in

Book pages for reference

The Found a Ladder Study | So It Was Decided Study

Ink and Conte Crayon | Paper sizes: 8.5×11 in, and 8.5×11.25 in

Book pages for reference

Lowered the Hills Study | Long Highways for the Automobiles Study

Ink and Conte Crayon | Paper sizes: 5.5×11.25 in, and 5.5×11 in

Book pages for reference

Mike Mulligan and Mary Anne Had Been Digging Together Study | Who Dug the Great Canals Study

Ink and Conte Crayon | Paper sizes: 8.5×11 in, and 8.25×11 in

Book pages for reference

Just as the Sun Was Coming Up Study

Ink and Conte Crayon | Paper size: 8.25×11.25 in

Just as the Sun Was Coming Up Hand Colored Photostat (with notes)

Hand Colored Photostat | Paper size: 9.25×23.25 in

Book pages for reference

Landing Fields for Airplanes 

Ink and Conte Crayon | Paper size: 8.5×5.5 in

They Smoothed Out the Ground and Filled in the Holes| Landing Fields for Airplanes Hand Colored Photostat (with notes)

Hand Colored Photostats | Paper sizes: 8.75×12.25 in, and 8.75×11.5 in

Book pages for reference

Individual Ink and Conte Crayon Pieces
Called Up the Next Towns Study: Front and Back
8.5×11 in



Individual Hand Colored Photo Stats