Uri Shulevitz

Uri Shulevitz’s children’s books have garnered 3 Caldecott Honors and one Caldecott Medal. He was born in Warsaw, Poland, where he began drawing at the age of three and never stopped. The Warsaw blitz occurred when he was four years old, and the Shulevitz family fled. For eight years they were wanderers, arriving, eventually, in Paris in 1947. At thirteen, Shulevitz won first prize in an all-elementary-school drawing competition in Paris’s 20th district. In 1949, the family moved to Israel, where he studied at the Art Institute of Tel Aviv. At fifteen, he was the youngest to exhibit in a group drawing show at the Tel Aviv Museum. Uri moved to New York City when he was 24 and he studied painting at Brooklyn Museum Art School . Besides his many picture book honors, Uri also wrote the instructional guide Writing with Pictures: How to Write and Illustrate Children’s Books.
Publisher’s Weekly : Uri Shulevitz on Memoir and Memories
See more of Uri’s artwork here: www.urishulevitz.com